
Highlightjs plugin that transforms highlighted HTML to a line-oriented structure, e.g. to add line numbers.

How it works

As a plugin it kicks in after highlightjs has created its structure of span elements. Lineify chops this structure up into span elements that at most span one line each and wrap text and span elements in another level of single line span elements.

The plugin is configured with a callback that can modify the line-oriented span elements before they're finally added to the surrounding elements that highlightjs operated on.


(The sample html file includes what is explained below.)

Import the hljs object as usual from the highlightjs module, and then import the LineifyPlugin class. The latter isn't currently published anywhere, but the minified js file is in the lineify-package/dist folder.

Then register the plugin as follows:

hljs.addPlugin(new LineifyPlugin(lineifyCallback, lineifyCallbackConfig));

lineifyCallback is a function taking three arguments, 1) the surrounding element that highlightjs operated on, 2) the array of line-oriented span elements that was output by the LineifyPlugin, and 3) the lineifyCallbackConfig object given to the LineifyPlugin constructor. this is bound to an object providing some handy utility methods, including createSpan and createLineNumSpan.

One usage is to add line numbers. This can be done by the following function:

function lineifyCallback(element, lineElements, config) {
   for (let i = 0; i < lineElements.length; i++) {
      let lineElement = lineElements[i];
      lineElement.insertBefore(this.createLineNumSpan(i + 1), lineElement.firstChild);

Here we iterate over all line span elements and insert a new span element with the line number, as a new first element in the line.

Certain use cases, such as adding line numbers or marking specific lines with a CSS class, are expected to be common, and are therey supported more directly by using attributes on the parent code (or other) element. For these use cases, you can omit the callback and config arguments to the LineifyPlugin constructor.

Adding line numbers

Line numbers can be added by setting the lineify-line-number-format attribute. A line number will be inserted as the textual content of a separate span element with class lineify-line at the beginning of each line. The text format is indicated by the attribute value, where %s will be replaced by the actual line number (1 - number of lines). E.g. if the value is %s&#9; the line number will be followed by a tab character.

Marking lines with CSS class

To mark specific lines with a CSS class, you can add an attribute (still in the parent element) with a name on the format lineify-%s-lines where %s is (replaced with the) the CSS class and the value is a comma-separated list of line numbers (1 - number of lines). E.g. lineify-added-lines="1,4,5" will add added to the class attribute of element corresponding to lines 1, 4 and 5.